Supply Agreements

Futureproof your business relationships with a secure suppliers agreement

A supply agreement serves as the backbone of your business operations, ensuring a reliable and consistent supply of goods or services.

Adams Law has helped businesses throughout Ireland by negotiating and creating supply agreements that protect your interests.

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How can Adams Law LLP help you create a better supply agreement?

We use our unrivalled commercial experience to negotiate the terms of the agreement and prepare it on your behalf.

We protect your interests and dramatically the reduce the risk to you and your business.

This legally binding document should meticulously outline the terms of engagement between your business and its suppliers, including

  • delivery schedules
  • payment terms
  • quality standards
  • dispute resolution mechanisms
  • confidentiality agreements
  • termination clauses
  • intellectual property rights
  • force majeure clause
  • liability limitations
  • renewal terms
  • compliance with laws and regulations

By providing a clear roadmap of expectations and responsibilities, a supply agreement minimises the risk of misunderstandings and conflicts, thereby fostering strong, sustainable business relationships. It not only safeguards the interests of both parties but also enhances efficiency and stability in the supply chain, ultimately contributing to the smooth running and profitability of the business.

Don’t leave your supply agreement to chance

If you haven’t given your supply agreement the time it deserves, or you don’t review it regularly, you risk:

  • Unclear Expectations: Without a formal agreement, the expectations regarding quality, timing, and scope of goods or services may not be explicitly defined, leading to misunderstandings and disputes.
  • Supply Disruptions: Lack of a formal agreement may result in unreliable supply chains, where suppliers are not legally bound to deliver goods or services on time, potentially causing operational disruptions.
  • Legal and Financial Vulnerability: Without specified payment terms, dispute resolution mechanisms, and liability clauses, businesses may find themselves financially exposed or embroiled in costly legal battles over misunderstandings or breaches.
  • Compromised Quality: Without agreed-upon quality standards, there’s no guarantee that the products or services supplied will meet the business’s needs, potentially impacting the end product’s quality and customer satisfaction.
  • Intellectual Property Risks: Without clear provisions regarding the use and ownership of intellectual property, businesses risk losing control over their IP or facing infringement issues.
  • Lack of Recourse: In the absence of termination clauses and force majeure provisions, businesses may have limited options for exiting the agreement or adapting to unforeseen circumstances, such as natural disasters or significant market changes.
  • Regulatory Non-Compliance: Without stipulations ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations, businesses risk facing legal penalties and reputational damage for non-compliance.

Senan Burke

Managing Partner