Digital Business
and a
cutting edge approach
Without doubt, we will look after your Digital Business and Data needs
We are expert digital business solicitors. Without doubt, we give practical, pragmatic advice. Our clear advice helps clients get things right the first time, so they can focus on their business. We provide excellent digital business and data advice.
We work with inspired companies. Our clients are global businesses working on the cutting edge. We consistently achieve great results for our clients. We advise technology companies and digital telecoms companies as they evolve and deal with challenges in this complex market.
Let us call you.
Our expertise in Digital Business and Data
We work with technology and media companies that change the world. Many of these companies are redefining the ways we do business. In addition, they are bringing new technologies to the market never seen before.
What are the key areas that we work in?
- Firstly, fintech issues
- Secondly, data protection and intellectual property
- Thirdly, internet and e-commerce
- Fourthly, advertising and marketing services
- Fifthly, telecoms
- Sixthly, interactive entertainment
Advertising and marketing services
At Adams Law LLP, our solicitors advise on a whole range of issues including brand protection, promotion and advertising law. In addition, we act for companies and brands in the Irish market. Our solicitors have extensive industry led knowledge and expertise. In addition, we provide practical commercial advice that assists you to navigate the legal and regulatory landscape.
Here are some of the areas that we work in
- Firstly, advertising and marketing disputes
- Secondly, compliance with date protection regulations
- Thirdly, image rights
- Fourthly, commercial agreements and licensing
- Fifthly, intellectual property rights
- Sixthly, advertisement contracts
Having the right type of legal advice from experienced solicitors is vital. Without doubt, we are extremely competent in drafting commercial contracts. Of course, we will work with you to develop your brand and manage your reputation. We like to listen to our clients and find out what makes their business tick. In addition, we are interested in your success. As a consequence, we will tailor our service to your requirements. If you need regulatory advice or practical advice in relation to commercial litigation we are here to help. Our industry knowledge and exceptional solicitors give us a distinct advantage.
We aim to provide robust legal advice in a cost-effective manner. In addition, we are here to sort out your regulatory issues and day to day issues that affect your business. We are, without doubt, flexible in our approach.
We also work with our solicitors working in complimentary fields such as corporate and commercial law and intellectual property law.
The European Commission recently set up its Financial Technology Task Force. Technology, consumer protection and competition regulation plays a vital role in the evolution of FinTech. Businesses will face significant challenges in doing business in the Digital Single Market. Of course, there are also significant challenges in laying down the right conditions to support and nurture innovation.
Adams Law LLP have been working in the innovation and technology space for some time now. In addition, we understand the challenges for many businesses in relation to expertise and scale.
The types of areas that we are working in are
- Data protection and consumer rights
- Mobile payments
- Electronic payments
- App and software development
- Cloud and telecoms
- Emerging FinTech companies
- Regulatory and compliance issues
How do we do it? Digital business and Data experience.
As a consequence, our solicitors have a wealth of experience in the technology industry and digital arena. We are used to partnering businesses that focus in on innovation. There is a balance between innovation and giving businesses the space to adapt to changes in the market. We take a lateral approach towards FinTech in our firm. Our solicitors can draw on experience from many sectors and from complimentary departments in our firm. At Adams Law LLP we answer the difficult questions, we guide you through the regulation and help you deliver results.
FinTech innovation has no borders. Of course, many of the transactions that your business will encounter will involve cross-border aspects. We have vast experience in cross-border transactions. In addition, we understand the types of issues that regularly pose issues for businesses in the FinTech space. Let Adams Law LLP guide you through those issues.
We work with financial institutions and innovative developers.
Who do we act for? Financial institutions, investors, technology businesses and start-ups.
Interactive entertainment
Of course, the video gaming sector is one of the fastest growing sectors in the Irish market. Furthermore, there has been a surge of Interactive Entertainment companies in the Irish market. As a consequence, our solicitors are aware of the latest trends and developments in the market. Without doubt, we have an innate ability to react quickly and effectively to those trends.
We act for well known entertainment and gaming companies. Our digital business and data work includes
- Data protection and privacy.
- Online gaming.
- Mobile gaming.
- Platform agreements.
- Distribution agreements.
- User licence agreements.
- Development agreements.
- Venture capital advice.
- Domain names, trademarks and brands.
Of course, our solicitors advise in relation to all areas of interactive entertainment and technology. In addition, we bring to the table outstanding market knowledge of strategies used by technology companies. Above all, our solicitors are straight talking, innovative experts that know how deals are structured. Without doubt, they can guide you through complex commercial transactions. We also provide complimentary advice in areas such as corporate and commercial law and data protection.
Internet and e-commerce
Without doubt, new technology and innovative ways of doing business will dominate our lives for the foreseeable future. Social media is a significant part of our daily life.
So, we advise clients in relation to a whole range of matters the affect their business including
- Firstly, international and cross-border transactional activity
- Secondly, regulatory issues
- Thirdly, business structures
- Fourthly, risk factors
Our solicitors provide pragmatic, solution based advice that assist businesses navigate their way through the complex world of e-commerce.
Our recent work has included
- Data and consumer protection issues
- Software licences
- Marketing and distribution agreements
- Website development agreements and contracts
- User agreements
- Website content and Intellectual Property
- Distance selling regulations
- Hosting agreements
- Internet defamation disputes
A growing challenge for internet and e-commerce companies like yours is litigation for defamation and privacy. Our solicitors have dealt with a number of high profile cases relating to information that was published online. As solicitors, we are constantly dealing with online defamation issues for clients. Defamatory comments can cause significant loss and damage to reputation.
Above all, one of the key areas that we have expertise in is dealing with the removal of defamatory information on clients from websites. It is critical, from a damage limitation perspective. Without doubt, it is important to have defamatory comments removed from a website fast. and without the need to litigate the matter in Court. We understand that sometimes the defamatory comment or information is of such a serious nature that the only way to have the offending material removed is to go to Court. We look to find the best strategy that suits you, depending on your particular circumstances and the gravity of the matter.
Media and Digital Business
Above all, the media industry is highly competitive and extremely dynamic. Of course, we understand that your business needs to be able to react to quickly to changes in the market. At Adams Law LLP, our solicitors have the ability to understand the way you like to do business. It is about delivering quality media law advice in a targeted and professional manner. Indeed, we have a wealth of experience across the industry.
So, here are some of the areas we advise on media, digital business and data
- Advertisement broadcasting
- Copyright law and copyright infringement
- Digital rights and entertainment law
- Intellectual property and internet law
- Media contracts and media disputes
- Merchandising agreements
- Online trading and performing rights
- Production and web agreements
Of course, we act for a diverse range of media clients. Without doubt, we look to provide insightful, cutting-edge legal advice. Overall, it is about partnering your business and our goal is to add value to that business.
Technology and Digital Business
Without doubt, the bedrock of any digital business is technology. Of course, we like to focus in on what your goals and objectives are. In addition, we also look to help you achieve real commercial advantage. For example, Adams Law LLP has significant experience in the technology industry as a result of acting for a broad range of clients. Those clients, like your business, who have been involved in some of the most complex and ground breaking transactions in the market. Most importantly, it is about innovation and our solicitors keep abreast of changes in the regulatory environment. Without doubt, we know the law and we are very familiar with the industry. Our confidence lies in providing you with the cutting-edge, which allows you focus on running your business.
Above all, our job is to safeguard your business. Furthermore, we understand the confidential nature of your business because of the innovative technologies that you develop and use. In addition, our team of technology solicitors have experience of a diverse range of transactions. In addition, we advise on corporate and commercial transactions, intellectual property issues and regulatory issues.
Our legal services for technology companies include
- Distribution agreements
- Data protection
- Intellectual property issues
- Regulatory issues
- Licensing and supply agreements
- Litigation
- IT and outsourcing services
Above all, our solicitors work across practice areas providing practical advice to clients. We are ultimately focussed on protecting your business interests. Ultimately, that task also includes ensuring that you comply with regulatory requirements.
Telecoms and Digital Business
We act for telecoms operators, mobile service providers and technology suppliers. We advise on a broad range of telecoms related matters such as:-
- Commercial contracts
- Regulatory issues
- Infrastructural issues
Our solicitors continually monitor developments and innovation in the telecoms market.
Here are some of the recent issues that we advised our clients on:-
- Communications Regulation Acts
- Competition issues
- Consumer issues
- Intellectual Property licensing
- Telecoms disputes
- Internet services
- Data protection
- Cyber crime
So, what we do well?
We advise clients on a day to day basis in relation to their business issues. In addition, we are also involved in complex litigation involving telecoms businesses. Our firm provides a broad range of services to telecoms firms. Telecoms businesses are evolving constantly. You require legal advice from solicitors that are leaders in the industry. We provide insightful, pragmatic advice to clients. Of course, our focus is on adapting and changing in accordance with our clients’ requirements.
Without doubt, the telecommunications industry is a highly regulated sector. Our practical regulatory advice will help you make the right decisions for your business. In addition, we are extremely experienced in dealing with telecoms disputes and commercial litigation in the High Court and Commercial Courts in Ireland. Of course, if it is possible to reduce the risk of expensive litigation we will work with you to find alternative solutions to resolve the dispute early.
Of course, it is of vital importance that you do not jeopardise your business. In addition, we also know when it is appropriate to turn up the heat and to litigate matters. Where, after considering fully the risks involved, you believe that it is the right decision for your business. We like to focus in on strategy. In addition, we like ensure that we work with you in order to find the best and most cost efficient solution for your business.
Contact Adams Law LLP solicitors Dublin and nationwide. We are here to help in relation to all of your digital law and data issues.